About The North Atlanta Men's Club
(Click Here to view "About NAMC" Video)
The mission of the North Atlanta Men’s Club (NAMC) is to be committed to Camaraderie and Community with dual objectives:
- To develop friendships and have the best time of our lives
- To give back to the community
Our membership is comprised of retired, semi-retired and currently employed members that are 55 years or older and are a resident of North Atlanta, defined in the By-Laws as North of Interstate 20 within the counties of Cobb, Cherokee, DeKalb, Forsyth, Fulton, Gwinnett and Hall.
As stated in our By-Laws, The North Atlanta Men’s Club is a not-for-profit, non-political and non-sectarian social club.
NAMC was founded by Bernie Kranz in mid-2007 following his retirement at the age of 63 after a 39-year professional and corporate career. Bernie and his wife relocated to Atlanta in 2003 while he was working and still focused on his career. His wife became an active member in several North Atlanta clubs and organizations to get involved in the community and to develop new friendships.
Recognizing and admiring what his wife and her friends accomplished for the community and socially through their various organizations, after retiring he decided to explore more socialization and to re-engage in giving back to the community.
After several discussions with friends, he invited prospective members to the first General Meeting brunch at the end of September 2007, to share and discuss his vision and proposals for the club. Late October, at the second General Meeting, the club framework was finalized. Including Bernie, 21 men joined together to form NAMC.
As stated in the By-Laws, the Board of Directors is comprised of:
- President (elected by the membership)
- Vice-President (elected by the membership
- Secretary (elected by the membership)
- Treasurer (elected by the membership)
- Parliamentarian (past President)
- Camaraderie Committee Chairman (appointed by the President)
- Community Committee Chairman (appointed by the President)
- Communication Committee Chairman (appointed by the President)
- Membership Services Committee Chairman (appointed by the President)
The Camaraderie Committee focuses on selecting and planning activities for the following sub-committees grouped by types of activities:
- Sports and Nature
- Table Games
- Clubs
- Educational
- Food and Beverage
- Couples Events
- New Activities
The Community Committee conducts the evaluation of community service organizations and recommends organizations and community service activities for NAMC support, based on membership interests and capabilities. The committee coordinates the club’s community services calendar and membership participation.
The Communication Committee publishes the monthly newsletter and edits the content of the club website and other communications.
The Membership Services Committee assists members to achieve each member's goals with respect to the Club and "oversight" of the Membership Services provided to the members. These services include orientation and training services to prospective club members as well as good and welfare services to current members.
Members, in addition to their role as Sponsor for prospective members, volunteer to lead various Sub-Committees, coordinate and assist with the activities.
NAMC has over 25 distinct activities and 50 to 60 events per month.